Reed Franchise Partnerships technology offer

Our technology infrastructure

Boost the growth of your business with the IT resources offered by our multibillion-pound recruitment company.

Reed help you with the best technology to run your staffing business

Work with the IT resources of a multibillion-pound recruiter

Partnering with Reed and gaining access to our advanced technology infrastructure is a game-changer for your business.

To top it all off, our AI tools enhance your day-to-day operations and lead generation. Partner with Reed today and unlock the full potential of your business.

Meet our partners

By joining us you will have access to...

Reed Franchise Partnerships' Technology Infrastructure
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Unlimited customer relationship management (CRM) licences

Experience the advantages of our CRM, where we guide you in creating your own exclusive database. This database makes tracking your KPIs easy, providing you with the essential insights to make well-informed decisions. 

Unlock access to pre-filled, editable email templates, saving you time and effort. What's more, all licenses are included in our royalties, giving you complete functionality at no additional costs. 

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The best and most secure IT platform

At Reed, we understand the importance of ensuring the highest levels of cyber security for our partners. We are proud to offer a secure IT platform that is Cyber Essentials Certified Plus.

From secure data storage to robust firewalls and encryption protocols, we have implemented comprehensive safeguards to defend against cyber threats. With Reed's secure IT platform, you can focus on your business with peace of mind, knowing that your information is in safe hands.

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Job boards and LinkedIn licenses

We provide our partners with valuable resources to enhance their business growth. To do this we offer exclusive benefits such as access to various job boards and discounts on LinkedIn licenses. 

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Reed's digital workplace

Experience the freedom of working from anywhere with our advanced technology solutions. With access to Reed’s Digital Workplace via a Cloud PC, you can complete your work no matter where you are. In addition, our dedicated helpdesk and X3 support team is  available to assist you whenever you need it. 

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AI tools

The Reed Interview Question Generator is an AI-powered tool that all our partners can use to attract more clients, grow their businesses, and provide added value. 

Reed Interview Question Generator

Reed AI-powered Interview Question Generator

The Reed Interview Question Generator is the latest digital tool and a marketing campaign that all our partners can use to attract more clients, grow their businesses, and provide added value. This unique tool allows hiring managers to create customized and relevant interview questions for any job role, based on the skills and competencies required.

SEO-optimised campaign Lead generation opportunity
Added-value product AI powered

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